The News:
Japanese Bank Lending –2.0%, biggest in five years, as companies avoid capital spending.
The Numbers:
British Summer Time, with expectations and previous figures in brackets.
00:01 GB May Retail Sales Monitor +0.8% Y/Y Like-for-like versus –2.3% April.
00:50 JP April Trade Balance +859B yen, Current Account +1242B, vs +1074B and +2534B March.
00:50 JP May M2 Money Supply +3.1% Y/Y versus +2.9% April.
00:55 US Fed Chairman Bernanke gives ABC TV an ‘open interview’ at a dinner in Washington; sees sustained recovery.
05:30 JP May Bankruptcies –15.1% Y/Y versus –13.2% April.
06:00 JP April Leading Index 101.7, Coincident 101.6, versus 102.7 and 101.5 March.
06:45 CH May Jobless vs 4.00% April. 07:15 CH May CPI –0.1% M/M, +1.1% Y/Y, vs +0.9% and +1.4% April.
07:00 JP May Economy Watchers’ Survey Current 47.7, Outlook 48.7, versus 49.8 and 49.9 April.
07:00 DE April Trade Balance +€13.4B, Current Account +€11.8B, versus +€17.2B and +€18.0B March.
08:00 EU27 EU finance ministers meet, Luxembourg. Set to finalise details of safety-net.
11:00 DE April Industrial Production –1.6% to +3.3% M/M, +11.0% to +13.0% Y/Y, versus +4.0% and +8.6% Mar).
13:15 CA May Housing Starts (192K to 206K versus 201K April).
13:25 US Fed’s Duke speaks ‘moving beyond the financial crisis’, Florida. Evans at 14:10, Chicago.
00:01 GB May BRC Shop Price Index.
The Psychology:
Spanish government employees strike over a 5% pay cut. TBond spreads at new record high.
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